Controlling Ozone PollutionRules in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapters 115 and 117 that are part of the State Implementation Plan strategy to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone. These rules reduce ozone by limiting VOC and NOx emissions from stationary sources.
Controlling Ozone Pollution
Rules in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapters 115 and 117 that are part of the State Implementation Plan strategy to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone. These rules reduce ozone by limiting VOC and NOx emissions from stationary sources.
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On April 24, 2024, The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality adopted amendments to 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 115 Control of Air Pollution from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and Chapter 117 Control of Air Pollution from Nitrogen Compounds (NOX), Rule Project Numbers 2023-116-115-AI and 2023-117-117-AI.
These rule amendments implement rules necessary to meet federal State implementation Plan (SIP) requirements for ozone standards in several areas:
Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) area, classified as a severe nonattainment area under the 2008 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS);
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) area, classified as a severe nonattainment area under the 2008 ozone NAAQS; and the
Bexar County area, classified as a moderate nonattainment area under the 2015 ozone NAAQS at the time of proposal.
Chapter 115 amendments affect stationary VOC sources in the Bexar County, DFW, and HGB areas. Changes in Bexar County affect 19 Divisions of Chapter 115 adding new requirements for many source categories. Changes in DFW will soon affect VOC storage tanks, bakeries, and oil and natural gas sites. Changes in HGB will affect oil and natural gas sites.
Chapter 115 rule amendments also put contingency measures in place that can be activated if the DFW or HGB areas fail to meet reasonable further progress (RFP) requirements or fail to attain the 2008 ozone NAAQS by the applicable attainment date. These contingency measures are required by provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act (FCAA), §172(c)(9) and §182(c)(9).
Sources that would be affected by contingency measures would include cold solvent cleaning, open-top vapor degreasing, or conveyorized degreasing, industrial maintenance coatings, traffic marking coatings, industrial cleaning solvents, industrial adhesives, and emulsified asphalt.
If in the future TCEQ publishes notice in the Texas Register that either the DFW or HGB area has failed to attain the ozone NAAQS or demonstrate RFP, affected sources must comply with new contingency measures no later than 270 days after publication.
For questions regarding changes to Chapter 115, please contact John Lewis, P.E. via email at or at (512) 239-4922 and refer to rule project number 2023-116-115-AI. You can also reach out via email at to submit any questions or comments related to the rules.
Chapter 117 amendments affect stationary NOX sources in the Bexar County, DFW, and HGB areas including changes to administrative provisions in the rule, new and revised definitions, and amendments to multiple divisions with new provisions for major and minor sources of NOX affecting industrial, commercial, and institutional sources, utility electric generation sources, and cement kilns.
For questions regarding rulemaking to Chapter 117, please contact Javier Galván, P.E. via email at or at (512) 239-6068 and refer to rule project number 2023-117-117-AI. You can also reach out via email at to submit any questions or comments related to the rules.
Controlling Air Pollution from Volatile Organic Compounds
Rules limit VOC emissions from the following sources:
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