Occupational Licensing Electronic Application (OLEA) Instructions
It's simple to apply for an occupational license online!
The new OLEA has incorporated many of the documents you were required to upload in the previous version (e-App). Review the following information below to ensure you have all the documentation needed for a successful application process.
Information Regarding OLEA and Required Uploads by License Type
Start an Occupational Licensing Application! (NOTE: OLEA functions best when using Microsoft Edge, Chrome, or Firefox internet browsers. If using other browsers such as Safari, we cannot verify that OLEA will function as intended)
About OLEA
What is Occupational Licensing Electronic Application or OLEA?
OLEA is the name of the new application previously referred to as e-application (e-App).
Why Should I Use OLEA?

We've made many upgrades to the previous electronic application with you in mind! We've added:
- more validation to ensure correctness
- integrated online supplemental and criminal history forms for most licenses to reduce deficiencies
- easier payment and submission of your application
- ability to save and come back to complete an unfinished application
- enhanced security features (username and password are required)
- administrative dashboard to keep track of all your unfinished applications
- intuitive form fields so you'll only be asked questions that pertain to the specific license and your experience
- detailed help text to provide you with on-the-spot assistance
Application Instructions
Application Pre-Approval
Before you may register for an exam, your application, fee and all required documents must be submitted, reviewed and approved. If your application is approved, you will receive an approval letter in the mail. Once you receive your approval letter, visit our Licensing Exams webpage for information on where to find approved testing centers or to request Special Accomodations that meet the criteria in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Application Processing Time
Allow approximately 3-4 weeks from the date of receipt for TCEQ to review your electronic application. If approved, you will receive an approval letter by mail with a link on how to register for the exam at an approved testing center.
Under special circumstances (for instance, state agencies who must use a Purchase Order to pay for the application fee, which are not accepted in ePay), a paper application may be submitted in place of an electronic application. Processing of paper applications may take approximately 4-6 weeks. Contact Occupational.Licensing at 512-239-6133 to request a paper application and corresponding supplemental forms.
If a deficiency is found during the review of your application, you will receive a deficiency letter and you will be given 120 days to clear the deficiency(s). If the deficiency is not cleared within 120 days, your application will expire and you will be required to submit a new application and fee to reapply for the license. Application fees are not refundable.
Valid Length of Time of an Approved Application
The application becomes void either after one year from the application's approval date or after the fourth unsuccessful attempt at the same exam, whichever occurs first. If an application becomes void (or expires), you will be required to submit a new application and fee, before you can take the same exam again.
Paying for Multiple Applications at Once
OLEA uses ePay for payment processing, however you can pay for multiple applications at once, by simply selecting those applications in “Ready to Pay” status. If you pay first and start the applications afterwards, you will need to enter separate voucher numbers for each application (ePay will provide you with a voucher for each application).
Registrations and Certificates that Aren't Currently Available in OLEA
- LPST Corrective Action Specialist (Company Registration)
- Visible Emissions Evaluators (Smoke School) (Certification)
- UST Contractor (Company Registration)
- Wastewater System Operating (Company Registration)
- Water System Operating (Company Registration)
At this time, OLEA cannot accept applications for company registrations or certifications. Visible Emissions Evaluator (Smoke School) certifications do not require an application.
How to Apply
What Do I Need to Do to Complete an OLEA?
- Review the requirements for your specific license to make sure you have met all the necessary qualifications.
- Some programs need further information and require certain documents to be uploaded with the OLEA application (such as college transcripts or military or PE/PG documentation if claiming a fee exemption).
- Not all supplemental forms were able to be incorporated into OLEA. The license types listed below (LPST, MSW, OSSF Installer II and OSSF Site Evaluator, and UST) still require documents to be completed and uploaded into the application.
- Payment can be made for your application within OLEA. You can also pay for multiple applications at once, by simply selecting those applications in "Ready to Pay" status in your OLEA Activities dashboard.
- If you make your payment with e-Pay before you start your application, you will need to enter separate voucher numbers for each application individually.
- Start your OLEA today!
Most required forms are included in OLEA. The following programs need further information and have the following documents ready to be uploaded to their OLEA application.
Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) Project Manager
You will need to upload the following:
- LPST written statements
- Official School/College Transcripts (online print outs are not acceptable), if you are not a Professional Engineer (PE) or Professional Geologist (PG)
- If you are claiming the exemption for a Professional Engineer (PE) or Professional Geologist (PG), you will also need to provide:
- A copy of your current PE or PG license;
- A written statement from the Texas Board of Professional Engineers (TBPE) or Geologists (TBPG) stating that you are currently licensed to practice in the State of Texas and that the TBPE or TBPG is not aware of any reason that you are not qualified to perform corrective action; and
- A letter written by you, requesting the license.
Municipal Solid Waste Supervisor A or B
While not required, we suggest uploading Proof of completion of required course(s)
Note: If you manage or supervise medical waste or compost facilities requiring an MSW registration or permit, you will need to complete a TCEQ recognized or approved specialized training course ( Specialized Compost Training Specialized Medical Waste Training
On-Site Sewage Facilities (including Septic Tanks) Apprentice, Designated Representative, Installer I, Installer II, Maintenance Provider, Maintenance Technician, and Site Evaluator
For Apprentice Registration, Designated Representative, Installer I, Maintenance Provider, and Maintenance Technician licenses, there are no license-related documents required.
For Installer II :
- If you hold a current Apprentice registration, complete and upload the
Apprentice to Installer II
- If you hold a current Installer I license, complete and upload the
Installer I to Installer II
For Site Evaluator:
Complete and upload a TCEQ On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) Site Evaluator Concurrent License Requirement Affidavit form if you don't have a current Installer II license or Designated Representative license with the TCEQ, but do have a current Professional Engineer license; Professional Sanitarian license; Certified Professional Soil Scientist; or Professional Geoscientist license in the soil science discipline.
Underground Storage Tank A, B, or A&B
You must upload:
- Proof of completion of required number of hours of UST training and education courses (28 hours for UST A, 12 hours for UST B, and 40 hours for UST A&B)
- Reference forms
- Sworn statements as noted below*
*You must include sworn statements from at least four persons (three from clients not related by blood or marriage and one from a current or previous employer, or employer's representative) who have engaged you or your employer within the previous 24 months to perform: UST installations, repairs, or removals; underground utility construction; or engineering construction. These statements should attest to your character, knowledge of construction, and ability to supervise the construction activity and a description of the type of construction you performed.
Other Required Uploads
If claiming a Military Fee Exemption, upload a copy of your DD-220 or DD-214.
If attesting to your criminal history by uploading DPS or Court Documents, upload those documents.
Renewals and Reapplying
Licenses less than 30 days past their expiration date must be renewed via texas.gov . Visit our License and Registration Online Renewal webpage for more information.
If your license is expired beyond 30 days, it can no longer be renewed. You must use OLEA to reapply and retest to obtain a license.