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Petroleum Storage Tanks Registrations: Am I Regulated?

Requirements for underground and aboveground tanks used to store fuel or other petroleum substances. Links to more information on specific requirements.

You can check the status of your PST submission sent by fax or mail. Get information about faxed submissions 1-2 business days after sending or mailed submissions 3-5 business days after sending.

HOT We now have a training video about Filling Out the TCEQ-0724 UST Registration & Self-Certification Form . Please watch this video for guidance on how to complete the form correctly before submission. The video will show you how to avoid errors and delays in the processing time. 

View the Petroleum Storage Tank regulations in 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 334 .

See the TCEQ Data Standards for proper naming and punctuation standards before submitting new or updated UST or AST registration information.

Underground Storage Tanks

If you own one or more regulated underground storage tanks, then you must:

Information about USTs

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 requires states to make certain UST information available to the public. This information must include data on UST equipment failures, compliance, and releases in the state. Click here to view the latest public report.

Site-specific records regarding UST equipment failures, compliance, and releases are available from the TCEQ Central File Room. You will need the PST Facility Registration ID number and/or LPST ID number available when requesting information.

Access data on registered USTs by searching Central Registry, downloading petroleum storage tank data, or viewing delivery certificate data .


Legislation passed in the 80th Regular Session (House Bills 1956 and 3554) included the following changes:

  • Fees - Beginning September 1, 2007, Petroleum Storage Tank owners were no longer assessed annual registration fees. Any fee that required payment prior to September 1, 2007 continued to be the responsibility of the tank owner. This includes fees for tanks that were not properly registered by September 1, 2007.
  • Proof of Financial Assurance - Beginning September 1, 2007, all annual Self-Certification forms must be accompanied with proof of financial assurance.

Legislation passed in the 79th Regular Session ( Senate Bill 485 , House Bill 1987 , and Senate Bill 1863 ) included the following changes:

Section 4.16 of HB 2694 (Sunset) amended the Texas Water Code and reinstates the liability of common carriers for delivery of regulated substances to a petroleum storage tank that has not been issued a delivery certificate by the agency. The rules became effective April 19, 2012.

Aboveground Storage Tanks

Regulated aboveground storage tanks contain petroleum products. Only ASTs with a capacity greater than 1,100 gallons require registration.

A petroleum product is a petroleum substance capable of being used as a motor fuel as defined in 30 TAC 334.2 .

ASTs do not require financial assurance.

If you own one or more regulated aboveground storage tanks, then you must:

  • Register each AST with the TCEQ — even if it is empty or unused. (Note: the Tank Installation Date is when petroleum product was initially placed into the AST.)
  • Notify the TCEQ at least 30 days before beginning work on your ASTs.
  • Submit any other changes within 30 days using STEERS or the Aboveground Storage Tank Registration form (TCEQ-00659).
  • Have all facility fees billed to date to the current owner paid in full. As of September 1, 2007, petroleum storage tank owners no longer get charged registration fees. Any fee that required payment prior to September 1, 2007 will continue to be the responsibility of the tank owner. This includes fees for tanks that the owner did not properly registered by September 1, 2007.
  • Comply with installation requirements on the Edwards Aquifer, if applicable.

Contact Us

For questions of a technical nature regarding petroleum storage tanks, email

For questions about registering petroleum storage tanks, contact the PST Registration Team at:

  • E-mail:
  • Phone: 512-239-2160
  • Fax: 512-239-3399 or 512-239-3398
  • Postal address:
    Petroleum Storage Tank Registration Program, MC-138
    Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
    PO Box 13087
    Austin, TX 78711-3087