Registering and Self-Certifying Petroleum Storage Tanks
Find out when and how to register and self-certify your petroleum storage tank (PST), what to include, when to update your registration, and how to remove a PST from your registration.
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On this page:
All regulated PSTs that contain or have contained a regulated substance as defined in 30 Texas Administrative Code 334.2 must register with TCEQ unless otherwise exempted or excluded. Notify us at least 30 days before constructing new tanks using either STEERS or the Construction Notification Form (TCEQ-00495). Common exemptions and exclusions include:
- Aboveground tanks with a capacity of 1,100 gallons or less.
- Tanks that contain heating oil.
- Flow-through process tanks.
- Septic tanks.
How to Register, Renew, and Self-Certify Your PST
Register or Renew Online
You will receive registration, self-certification certificates, and notice of construction acknowledgements faster by submitting through STEERS. Through our e-Permitting system, STEERS, you can now electronically submit:
- renewals
- initial registrations
- construction notices
- updated contact, ownership, operator information, or tank details
- financial assurance documents
To submit online, create a STEERS account by visiting the STEERS website. See our Guide to Creating an Account in STEERS E-Permitting (RG-531a) and STEERS ePermits Help Pages for help.
Submit Paper Forms
If you're unable to submit your registration online, you can submit paper forms instead.
- Complete one of the following forms:
Underground Storage Tank Registration and Self-Certification Form (TCEQ-00724)
- Initial registration– complete the entire form.
- Annual renewal– complete sections 1 through 9 and any other section where information has changed.
- Change of ownership– complete sections 1 through 10 and 12.
- Aboveground Storage Tank Registration Form (TCEQ-00659)
- For USTs registered on TCEQ-00724, include proof of financial assurance and A and B operator training certificates. For questions about financial assurance requirements, view the Financial Assurance Requirements page or call our Financial Administration Division at (512) 239-0300.
- Send us completed forms by:
- Fax: (512) 239-3398 or (512) 239-3399
- Mail:
Petroleum Storage Tank Registration Team (MC-138)
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087
TCEQ will return incomplete submissions, such as incomplete forms, missing financial assurance, or missing training certificates. Do not email the UST Registration and Self-Certification Form (TCEQ-00724) to - we cannot accept the form via email.
For more guidance, see the PST Registration and Self-Certification (RG-475d) for the rules and procedures to register and self-certify PSTs.
Tank Numbers
Your on-site tank numbers must match the tank numbers on your registration. If your on-site tank numbers do not match the tank numbers listed in Central Registry, update your registration to reflect the correct tank numbers via STEERS or submit the UST Registration and Self-Certification Form (TCEQ-00724).
Receiving Fuel Deliveries for Underground Storage Tanks
If your UST will receive motor fuel deliveries, you must self-certify it to receive a delivery certificate. The certificate authorizes you to receive fuel deliveries, and you must renew it every year. USTs storing regulated substances that are not motor fuels as defined in 30 TAC 334.2(59) do not require self-certification or delivery certificates.
To receive a delivery certificate, you must certify at the time of registration or renewal that your UST system meets certain administrative and technical requirements.
For more information:
- Renewing a PST Delivery Certificate– how to renew the delivery certificate for USTs at your facility each year.
- Updating the Delivery Certificate when Ownership Changes– how to obtain a new delivery certificate after buying or receiving a UST facility from its previous owner.
Updating Your Registration
Submit an updated registration form within 30 days if anything reported on the form changes, such as changes in:
- Fuel product stored.
- Tank status (in or out of service).
- Technical information (release detection method, corrosion protection, etc.)
- Owner or operator changes.
To transfer a PST registration, the company receiving the transfer must have a current and active registration with the Texas Secretary of State or Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
If your changes only affect systems or equipment not indicated on the form, such as your fuel dispensers, you do not need to submit an updated registration.
You must submit a Construction Notification Form via STEERS or TCEQ-00495 if the work will also involve any of the following:
- Installing, replacing, or removing a tank or tank system.
- Permanent abandonment in-place or change-in-service of existing tank systems.
- Tank repairs, including interior and exterior relining or recoating.
- Installing new or replacement piping for existing tanks.
- Adding secondary containment equipment.
- Tank integrity assessment or other activities requiring a person to enter a tank.
- Adding or replacing cathodic protection systems, release detection systems, spill and overfill prevention equipment, or monitoring wells.
- Switching to a regulated substance containing greater than 10% ethanol or 20% biodiesel.
If you plan to change to a fuel above E10+ or B20+, let us know 30 days before making the change. Include information verifying compatibility with your UST system.
Closing a UST on Your Registration
Submit a TCEQ PST Registration Form with the tank closure information. See our Permanently Removing a PST from Service guide (RG-475m) for more information on closure requirements. Steps for sampling requirements and tank removal are in our guide to Investigating and Reporting Releases from PSTs (RG-411).
Contact Us
For questions of a technical nature regarding petroleum storage tanks, email
For questions about registering petroleum storage tanks, contact the PST Registration Team at:
- E-mail:
- Phone: 512-239-2160
- Fax: 512-239-3399 or 512-239-3398
- Postal address:
Petroleum Storage Tank Registration Program, MC-138
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
PO Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087