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Pesticides General Permit: Am I Regulated?

Who is required to obtain permit coverage, who qualifies for general permit TXG870000, and who must obtain authorization through an individual permit.

Pesticides General Permit (PGP)

The PGP, Permit No. TXG870000 was re-issued on October 20, 2021.

You are required to obtain permit coverage if you discharge biological or chemical pesticides that leaves a residue in water when such applications are made into, over, or near waters of the United States.

You may obtain authorization under the Pesticides General Permit TXG870000 Microsoft Word Document for the control of the following pests:

  • Mosquitoes and Other Insects
  • Vegetation and Algae
  • Animal Pests
  • Area-Wide Pests
  • Forest-Canopy Pests

If you do not qualify for the general permit TXG870000 due to the limitations in Part II.C.1–7 or if you treat other types of pests, then you must obtain authorization through an Individual Permit.

Please contact the program area at 512-239-4671 or e-mail us at if an Individual Permit is required.

Annual Thresholds

The general permit identifies annual thresholds as follows:

  • Mosquitoes and Other Insect Pests—a pest-management area of at least 6,400 acres and containing U.S. waters.
  • Vegetation and Algae Pests—a treatment area of at least 100 acres in water or 200 linear miles at the water’s edge.
  • Animal Pests—Operators treating a treatment area greater than or equal to 100 acres in water or greater than or equal to 200 linear miles at the water’s edge.
  • Area-Wide Pests—A pest-management area of at least 6,400 acres and containing U.S. waters.
  • Forest-Canopy Pests—a pest-management area of at least 6,400 acres and containing U.S. waters.

Classifications of Operators and How to Apply

Level 1A

You are a level IA operator if you are above the annual threshold and you meet one of the following:

  • A public organization (such as a government) applying a restricted-use pesticide (RUP), a state limited-use (SLU) pesticide, or a regulated herbicide (RH) to waters of the U.S. where there is public or private access
  • A private party (such as individual or company) applying RUP, SLU pesticide or RH to waters of the U.S. where there is public access

Level IA Operators are required to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) Application to obtain coverage under Pesticides General Permit TXG870000. A Notice of Change (NOC) is required to be submitted if you failed to submit any relevant facts, submitted incorrect information in an NOI, or if any previously submitted information has changed. When all discharges authorized by the permit are eliminated, completed, or if the operator or owner changes, submit a Notice of Termination.

New Level IA Operator

Effective November 2, 2021, applicants seeking authorization as a new level 1A operator must submit the application form using the online e-permitting system or request and obtain an electronic reporting waiver. Electronic reporting waivers are not transferable and expire on the same date as the authorization to discharge. 

For new authorizations, you must submit application forms for NOI, NOC or NOT through the online e-Permitting system using these instructions Microsoft Word Document.

If you do not have access to a computer, you must call the TCEQ Application Review and Processing Team at 512-239-4671 to obtain the paper application forms.

Existing Level IA Operator

To renew an existing authorization, you must complete and submit an NOI paper application form:

To change or terminate an existing authorization, you must submit an NOC or NOT through the online e-Permitting system using these instructions . If you do not have access to a computer, you must call the TCEQ Application Review and Processing Team at 512-239-4671 to obtain paper application forms.

Level IB

You are a level IB operator if you are above the annual threshold and you meet one of the following:

  • A public organization applying general use pesticide (GUP) to waters of the U.S. where there is public or private access
  • A private party applying GUP to waters of the U.S. where there is public access
  • A private party applying RUP, SLUP, RH, or GUP to waters of the U.S. where there is only private access

Level IB Operators are required to submit a Self-Certification Form (TCEQ 20604) Microsoft Word Document to their TCEQ Regional Office to obtain coverage under Pesticides General Permit TXG870000.

Level II

You are a level II operator if you are below the annual threshold and you meet one of the following:

  • A public organization applying RUP, SLUP or RH to waters of the U.S. where there is public access
  • A public organization applying GUP to 1 acre or more of waters of the U.S. where there is private access
  • A private party applying RUP, SLUP or RH to waters of the U.S. where there is public access.
  • A private party applying GUP to 1 acre or more of waters of the U.S. where there is private access

Level II Operators are required to fill out and keep onsite a Self Certification Form (TCEQ 20605) Microsoft Word Document to obtain coverage under Pesticides General Permit TXG870000.

Level III

You are a level III operator if you meet the following:

  • A public organization or private party applying GUP to less than 1 acre of waters of the U.S. where there is public or private access

Level III Operators are not required to fill out any form to obtain coverage under Pesticides General Permit TXG870000.

Adverse Incident Reporting Form

Within 24 hours of becoming aware of the potentially adverse incident, notify your nearest TCEQ regional office or call the TCEQ 24-Hour Spill Reporting Line at 1-800-832-8224.
Within 14 days of becoming aware of an adverse incident, submit the Adverse Incident Report FormMicrosoft Word Document to your nearest TCEQ regional office.

Other Pesticides General Permit Documents

Additional Links to Related Topics

Emergency Control of Mosquitoes

Texas Department of Agriculture Programs

The Texas Department of State Health Services

Contact Us

Contact the program area at 512-239-4671 or e-mail us at if you have questions about TXG870000.