PST Program News
All the latest news and developments in the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) program are posted on this page.
June 1, 2023
TCEQ Central File Room Online
The TCEQ Central File Room Online provides online access for the public to search and download electronic records managed by the Central File Room (CFR.) Downloading available files from the online portal can eliminate the need to submit a Public Information Request (PIR). If the TCEQ Central File Room Online does not have the records available, you can submit a PIR for just the records unavailable in electronic format, which can save you time and money.
Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) site files, Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Release Determination Reports (RDRs), no leaker/system site check letters, Notices of Construction, registration forms, and other documents are available for download when providing a LPST ID Number and/or PST Facility ID. For best searching practices, please see the How to Search TCEQ Records Online guide.
Start HERE — Welcome to the TCEQ Records Online!
February 12, 2020
Electronic Files for Submittals to the PST Program
Effective March 1, 2020, the PST Program is revising the procedures on submitting documents to the PST Program for review and comment. Please note the following regarding electronic files becoming a standard and mandatory procedure.
The Remediation Division of the TCEQ is in the process of transitioning to electronic record keeping with the Central File Room. Therefore, all paper documents submitted to the program should include electronic copies of all submittals (on disc or USB flash drive). The electronic and hard copies should be identical, complete copies. Electronic records should be unlocked/unencrypted in order for protected personally identifiable information (PII) or confidential information to be redacted from electronic documents prior to being made publicly available for viewing.
A Correspondence ID Form (TCEQ Form 20428) must accompany each document submitted to the Remediation Division, and should be affixed to the front of your submittal. The Correspondence ID Form helps ensure that your documents are identified correctly and are routed to the applicable program for a timely response.
September 27, 2019
Revision to the Equations Used to Derive Target Level (TL) Concentrations for the Petroleum Storage Tank Program
The PST Program has revised the "Equations used to derive the Target concentrations” to edit a graphic error. The correction is located on Page 5 of 15, the equation for Cavg for all COCs for Construction Worker Exposure for the Groundwater pathway – Vapor Inhalation and Dermal Contact.
For tables and supporting information, please refer to the PST Forms and Guidance webpage.
March 22, 2019
Revisions to Plan A Target Concentrations for the Petroleum Storage Tank Program.
Effective March 22, 2019, the PST Program has revised the Plan A Target Concentrations for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) releases. The new Target Concentrations for soil and groundwater reflect the PAH toxicity parameters, as revised by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) in March 2017 and the chemical/physical factors as posted by the Technical Support Section of the Remediation Division. The seven (7) affected PAH constituents are:
- Benz(a)anthracene
- Benzo(a)pyrene
- Benzo(b)fluoranthene
- Benzo(k)fluoranthene
- Chrysene
- Dibenz(a,h)anthracene
- Indeno-1,2,3-cd-pyrene
The revised Plan A Target Concentrations apply target risk goals as established in the PST rules (Chapter 334, Subchapter G, Section 203.(1) (I) and (J)) and the methodologies developed in the regulatory guidance, Risk-Based Corrective Action for LPST Sites (RG-523/PST-03). All methodologies, default values, and exposure factors used in the equations are supported by ASTM standards (E-1739-95) and US EPA.
Revisions to the Plan A Target Concentration Table also correct calculation errors for the Construction Worker soil pathway for six (6) PAHs (Acenaphthylene, Acenaphthylene, Benz(g,h,j)perylene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, and Pyrene) and address a typographical error on the Methyl tert-butyl ether value for Commercial/Industrial Irrigation Well.
Revisions to the Equations Used to Derive Plan A Target Concentrations for the Petroleum Storage Tank Program.
Revisions to the equations include Dermal Contact to the Construction Worker soil pathway and correct a typographical error for the Worker Soil Ingestion Rate (IRsw) value.
Revisions to Toxicity Parameters and Chemical/Physical Properties for the Petroleum Storage Tank Program.
Toxicity Parameters and Chemical/Physical Properties along with the input data sheets have been revised to reflect the US EPA toxicity changes.
Revisions to the Action Level Table for the Petroleum Storage Tank Program.
Revisions to the Action Level Table include corrections to the following typographical errors: spelling of Benz(a)anthracene, o-and p-Xylene reference is removed and is now referred to as Total Xylenes; and a third significant digit (0) added to the Dibenz(a,h)anthracene value.
For tables and supporting information, please refer to the PST Forms and Guidance webpage.
August 21, 2018
Revisions to the Action Levels for the Petroleum Storage Tank Program.
Effective August 21, 2018, the PST Program has revised the Action Levels for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) releases. The revised Action Levels for soil and groundwater reflect the current PAH toxicity parameters as revised by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) in March 2017. The seven (7) affected PAH constituents are:
- Benzo(a)anthracene
- Benzo(a)pyrene
- Benzo(b)fluoranthene
- Benzo(k)fluoranthene
- Chrysene
- Dibenz(a,h)anthracene
- Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene
Dibenzofuran has been removed from the Action Levels Table since it is associated with coal tar use (i.e. coal tar use with creosote).
The Table is available on the TCEQ webpage
March 7, 2018
Revisions to the Incident Report Form (TCEQ-20097)
On March 7, 2018, the TCEQ Remediation Division issued a revision to the Incident Report Form (TCEQ-20097) for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) sites.
The revisions incorporate the current TCEQ mailbox email address for electronic submittals and lists the current TCEQ telephone number to report emergencies. The form also includes documenting the TCEQ Region in which the facility is located.
Beginning June 1, 2018, all previous versions of the report form will be considered obsolete and will no longer be accepted.
May 4, 2017
Stakeholder Meeting on Rulemaking Regarding Petroleum Storage Tank Rules
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or Commission) will conduct an additional stakeholder meeting to solicit informal input on a pending rulemaking project (Rule Project No. 2016-019-334-CE). This rulemaking will update Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 334 to include federal rule revisions required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the State of Texas to reapply for state program approval. This rulemaking also addresses minor rule revisions relating to the Fee on Delivery of Petroleum Products to reflect changes that were statutorily implemented in the Texas Water Code in 2015.
The pre-rulemaking meeting will be held on May 23, 2017, at 1:30 p.m., at the Commission's central office located at 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building E, Room 201S, Austin, Texas.
All informal comments received at the meeting, and following the meeting, will be reviewed. TCEQ staff is specifically soliciting comments on the management of potentially-contaminated water resulting from the cleanout of sumps and required hydrostatic testing (e.g, reuse, recycle, accumulate and dispose).
Please note that this is an opportunity to provide informal comments to staff prior to the formal rulemaking process. While staff will review all comments received, the TCEQ will not be formally responding to any informal comments. A formal public rule hearing is tentatively planned for November 2017 following rule proposal by the Commission.
Informal stakeholder comments may be submitted to Ms. Sherry Davis, MC 205, Office of Legal Services, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, or faxed to (512) 239-4808. Electronic comments may be submitted at File size restrictions may apply to comments being submitted via the eComments system. All informal comments should reference Rule Project Number 2016-019-334-CE. Comments are due by June 2, 2016. For additional information, please contact Casey Grunnet, Program Support Section, at (512) 239-7025.
March 21, 2017
Revisions to Guidance, Report Forms, and Worksheets for Corrective Action Plans for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) Sites.
On March 21, 2017, the TCEQ Remediation Division issued revised guidance for Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) sites. The guidance document formerly known as RG-41, Corrective Action Plans at LPST Sites, has been reissued as RG-523/PST-10, Corrective Action Plans at LPST Sites.
The Remedial Technology Screening (RTS) Form (TCEQ-00695), Notice of Remediation System Installation (NRSI) Form (TCEQ-00694), and CAP Worksheets (TCEQ-00707) used in conjunction with the guidance have also been revised.
CAPs submitted after March 21, 2017, should be reported to the TCEQ on the revised forms and worksheets. Beginning September 1, 2017, all previous versions of the report forms and worksheets will be considered obsolete and will no longer be accepted.
March 21, 2017
Revisions to Guidance and Report Forms for Operation, Monitoring, and Performance of Remediation Systems at Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) Sites.
The guidance document formerly known as RG-261, Operation, Monitoring, and Performance of Remedial Systems at LPST Sites, has been renamed and issued as RG-523/PST-11, Operation, Monitoring, and Performance of Remediation Systems at LPST Sites.
The Operation, Monitoring, and Performance Report (OMPR) Form (TCEQ-00696) used in conjunction with the guidance has also been revised.
OMPRs submitted after March 21, 2017, should be reported to the TCEQ on the revised form. Beginning September 1, 2017, all previous versions of the report form will be considered obsolete and will no longer be accepted.
February 10, 2017
Revisions to Guidance for Risk-Based Corrective Action for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) Sites.
In February 2017, the TCEQ Remediation Division issued revised guidance for Risk-Based Corrective Action for LPST Sites. The guidance document formerly known as RG-36, Risk-based Corrective Action for Leaking Storage Tank Sites has been renamed and is now known as RG-523/PST-03 Risk-Based Corrective Action for LPST Sites. The revised guidance also incorporates components of the 1995 RG-175 “Guidance for Risk-Based Assessments at LPST Sites in Texas. Emphasizing Initial Investigations and Plan A Evaluation” and the following interoffice memoranda:
- “Chapter 334 Closure Criteria for Domestic Irrigation Wells,” September 6, 2006.
- “Process for Expedited Closure for Evaluation of Priority 4.1 Petroleum Hydrocarbon LPST Sites,” July 17, 2003.
- “Guidance for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) Sites Located on State Designated Major/Minor Aquifers or Local Water Supply,” November 1, 1999.
- “Adjustment to March 6, 1997 Protective Concentrations in Groundwater for Construction Worker Exposure to Account for Time-Averaged Exposure,” August 12, 1997.
- “Clarifications and Amendments for Implementation of RG-36,” March 6, 1997.
- “Guidance for Judging the Adequacy of Contaminant Delineation for Purposes of Determining if Further Corrective Action is Needed,” February 10, 1997.
- “Process for Evaluating Petroleum Hydrocarbon LPST Sites Exceeding Target Concentrations,” February 10, 1997.
October 30, 2015
Revisions to the Report Form on Release Determination Activities for LPST sites
On October 30, 2015, the PST Program issued a revised Release Determination Report Form (TCEQ-00621, Rev. 10/15) to be used to report the results from the investigation of a suspected or confirmed release from a UST or AST, or permanent removal from service of a UST or any routine environmental site assessment at PST sites. This form (TCEQ-00621, Rev. 10/15) replaces all prior versions.
The only modification to the form is to require additional information on the tank operators, tank owners, and property owners to ensure the TCEQ is dealing with the correct entity should an LPST number be issued. Release Determination Reports submitted on or after October 30, 2015 should be reported to the TCEQ on the revised form. Beginning April 1, 2016, all previous versions of the form will be considered obsolete and will no longer be accepted.
January 21, 2015
Revisions to the Report Form on Release Determination Activities for LPST sites
On January 21, 2015, the PST Program issued a revised Release Determination Report Form (TCEQ-00621, Rev. 1/15) to be used to report the results from the investigation of a suspected or confirmed release from a UST or AST, or permanent removal from service of a UST or any routine environmental site assessment at PST sites. This form (TCEQ-00621, Rev. 1/15) replaces all prior versions. Release Determination Reporting submitted on or after January 21, 2015 should be reported to the TCEQ on the revised form. Beginning July 1, 2015, all previous versions of the form will be considered obsolete and will no longer be accepted.
June 16, 2014
Revisions to Guidance and Report Form on Groundwater Monitoring for LPST Sites
On June 16, 2014, the TCEQ Remediation Division issued revised guidance for groundwater monitoring and reporting requirements for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) sites. The guidance document formerly known as RG-43, Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting has been renamed and is now known as RG-523/PST-06, Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting for LPST Sites.
The Monitoring Event Summary and Status Report form (TCEQ-0013) used in conjunction with the guidance has also been revised and renamed Groundwater Monitoring Report (TCEQ-00013). Groundwater monitoring activities submitted on or after June 16, 2014, should be reported to the TCEQ on the revised version of the form. Beginning January 1, 2015, all previous versions of the report form will be considered obsolete and will no longer be accepted.
April 27, 2012:
Revisions to Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 334 Sections 334.5 and 334.84 and new Section 334.19
On March 28, 2012, the TCEQ adopted rule amendments to Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 334, Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks, Subchapter A, General Prohibitions, and Subchapter D, Release Reporting and Corrective Action. The revisions implement provisions in the TCEQ Sunset Legislation, House Bill 2694 from the 82nd Legislature.
The revisions reinstate common carrier liability, decrease the fee on delivery of petroleum products (see the Petroleum Product Delivery Fee Document for a breakdown of the revised fee), and provide authorization for the TCEQ to remove non-compliant underground and aboveground storage tanks that pose a risk of contamination and are owned by financially unable persons or entities. The revisions were effective April 19, 2012.
The following link provides the 30 TAC 334 adopted rule changes:
August 12, 2011:
Revision to Action Levels and Plan A Target Concentrations for LPST releases
Effective September 1, 2011, the PST program is revising the Action Levels and Plan A Target Concentrations for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) releases. The new target concentrations reflect the current toxicity parameters as revised by the toxicology staff of the TCEQ, and the chemical/physical factors as posted by the Technical Support Section of the Remediation Division. For additional information, please refer to the PST Forms and Guidance webpage.
The revised Plan A target concentrations apply target risk goals as established in the PST rules (Chapter 334, Subchapter G, Section 203.(1) (I) and (J)) and the methodologies developed in the regulatory guidance, Risk-Based Corrective Action for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank sites (RG-36) and subsequent amendments in March 6, 1997 and August 12, 1997 Interoffice Memoranda. All methodologies, default values and exposure factors used in the equations are supported by ASTM standards (E-1739-95) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).
July 6, 2011:
Direct award contracts for LPST sites
Contractors performing work at a Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) site which has been transferred to State Lead under Water Code 26.3573(r-1), may be eligible for a direct award contract from TCEQ to continue work at that site. For additional information, please refer to the
qualifications and requirements for receiving a direct award contract .
April 4, 2011:
State Lead transfer application now available
The agency has released the State Lead transfer application. If you were deemed eligible for the reimbursement program extension and since then have submitted all required progress reports, but find that corrective actions cannot be completed by August 30, 2011, you may apply to the commission to transfer your site into the TCEQ State-Lead Program. Applications must be submitted in writing no later than July 1, 2011. Before completing the application, be sure to read the State Lead transfer application instructions.
March 17, 2009:
PST Program Updates
The agency has released a bulletin with new action levels to be use with the amended 30 TAC 334 rules. The new action levels are applicable to all releases reported to the agency on or after March 19, 2009. The investigation and sampling requirements established in RG-411 remain the same. The upcoming revisions to RG-411 will remove references to the Texas Risk Reduction (TRRP) rule and revise Table 1 to reflect the action levels listed in the bulletin.
TCEQ-0621, Release Determination Report Form has been revised due to the 30 TAC 334 rule change effective March 19, 2009. Use it to report the results of all release determination activities. The form is available in
and in
PDF formats.
March 4, 2009:
Changes to LPST cleanups
On February 25, 2009, the commission adopted changes to Chapter 334, Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks and Chapter 350, Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) to remove Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) sites from TRRP. These rules are effective on March 19, 2009. All LPST sites must follow the requirements of the Chapter 334 rule and guidance.
These rule changes may influence the corrective action necessary at LPST sites currently under TRRP. Responsible parties/persons should evaluate site information to determine if the closure requirements under Chapter 334 rules and guidance have been met or if additional assessment and cleanup is needed.
November 14, 2008:
Proposed rule package to revise 30 TAC Chapters 334 & 350
At the November 5, 2008, agenda the Commission approved the proposal of a rule package to revise 30 TAC Chapter 350, the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP), and Chapter 334, Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks, rules. The proposed rule language will be published in the November 21, 2008, issue of the Texas Register for public comment. The public comment period will end January 5, 2009. You may download the proposed amendments to both Chapters from the following Web page: /rules/prop.html#09003
The commission will hold a stakeholders meeting on this proposal in Austin on December 11, 2008 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in Bldg E, Room 201S, at the commission's central office located at 12100 Park 35 Circle. The meeting is intended to facilitate discussion on the proposed rules. Oral comments will not be recorded.
Additionally, the commission will hold a public hearing on this proposal in Austin on December 16, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 201S, Building E, at the commission's central office located at 12100 Park 35 Circle. The hearing will be structured for the receipt of oral or written comments.
September 19, 2008:
Hurricane Ike's Effect on Laboratory Samples
Due to the September 2008 preparation, evacuation, and/or recovery activities associated with the Hurricane Ike event along the Texas coast in the Galveston/Houston area, environmental laboratories in that area impacted by the hurricanes movements may report holding time and temperature preservation issues for samples collected Friday, September 5, 2008 through Thursday, September 11, 2008. These activities may include a) the mandatory and/or voluntary evacuation of the laboratories in advance of the hurricanes anticipated and/or actual landfall, b) the couriers, responsible for delivering the samples to the laboratory, not entering the area by land or by air until after the hurricane conditions had subsided, and c) the laboratory's recovery and return to routine operating conditions following the hurricane event.
The agency has developed guidelines with information regarding the evaluation of sample data and reimbursement issues when sample delivery and/or analysis was impacted by the hurricane event.
December 10, 2007:
Revised Incident Report (IR) Form
In order to collect more information regarding the source and cause of confirmed releases from underground storage tank systems, the TCEQ has modified the Incident Report (IR) Form (TCEQ-20097). All suspected and confirmed releases identified on or after December 10, 2007 should be reported to the TCEQ using the December 2007 version of the IR Form.
December 6, 2007:
Information on Implementation of the Risk-Based Corrective Action Provision of HB 3554
The agency has determined that it already meets the risk-based corrective action legislative requirements of House Bill 3554. Therefore, all LPST releases reported through August 31, 2003 continue to be subject to all parts of 30 TAC 334 (the PST rules), and all releases reported on or after September 1, 2003 must meet the assessment, response actions, and post-response action care requirements of 30 TAC 350 (the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) rules). Responsible parties should ensure that their sites progress in a timely manner toward closure under the appropriate set of rules.
June 18, 2007:
PST Reimbursement Program Phase-out Update
House Bill (HB) 3554 was passed in the Texas legislature and has been signed by the governor. This bill will affect the sunset of the Petroleum Storage Tank reimbursement program and the transition of eligible leaking petroleum storage tank sites into State Lead. Check this web page for updates, or subscribe to the PST Program listserv to receive updates by e-mail.
February 20, 2007:
Request for Qualifications (RFQs) for PST Engineering Services
We are requesting qualification statements (RFQs) from engineering firms interested in doing environmental cleanup work at leaking petroleum storage tank sites. The deadline for submitting Statements of Qualifications is 3:00 p.m. CST, March 16, 2007. For more information, including instructions on how to obtain the entire RFQ, see the complete announcement of this request for qualifications.
December 5, 2006:
LPST Site Survey
We are seeking input from responsible parties (RPs) of leaking petroleum storage tank (LPST) sites deemed eligible for the 2005 Petroleum Storage Tank Remediation (PSTR) Fund reimbursement program extension. To this end, on December 4, 2006, we mailed a one-page survey to approximately 1750 RPs asking if those RPs anticipate completing corrective actions at their reimbursement-eligible LPST sites by August 30, 2007, and, if not, whether they will be opting in to the State-Lead Program. We will tally the survey results and use them for resource allocation and planning.
If you are the RP of a reimbursement-eligible LPST site and did not receive the “official” mailout (or lost it), print a blank survey, complete it, and submit it to us by December 29, 2006, by fax or mail. (Please submit one survey for each reimbursement-eligible LPST site.) This survey:
- is not binding, and
- is different from the application form required by statute to formally request transfer into State Lead. (That form will be available no later than April 1, 2007.)
October 9, 2005:
Drinking Water Survey Report
Texas Water Code §26.408 requires the TCEQ to notify owners of water wells that may be affected by groundwater contamination. To comply with this statute, guidance on submitting a Drinking Water Survey Report is now available to assist you in conducting the drinking water survey when necessary.
September 1, 2005:
Reimbursement Deadline Extended for Certain LPST Sites
As of September 1, 2005, the PSTR Fund has been extended—for certain LPST sites—for processing reimbursement claims beyond the previous deadline date of August 31, 2006.
August 24, 2004:
Important Note for Geoscientists
The Remediation Division (including PST Responsible Party Remediation) will be checking for Professional Geoscientist’s seals on reports submitted to the agency, beginning September 1, 2004. Unsealed geoscience reports received after October 1, 2004, will be returned to the submitting party. Refer to this regulatory notice for more information.
For information on what constitutes geoscience and the requirements for geoscientist licensing, please refer to the Board of Professional Geoscientists’ web page
- Registered corrective action specialists and project managers (RCAS/CAPMs) are still required for work on LPST sites (see IOM on this topic).
- Geoscientist requirements are separate from (and in the case of LPST sites, in addition to) RCAS/CAPM requirements.
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Join the PST Program E-Mail Update Alert list and receive an e-mail notice each time there are new policy developments, new guidance is issued, or there are announcements, notices or updates posted on the PST web site.
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- Send an e-mail to Type "Join PST-RPR" in the subject line and type your name in the body/message part.
- Reply to the automated e-mail asking for confirmation of your request (no reply text necessary—if you do type something in, it cannot be read and will not receive a response). You will then receive a message confirming you have been signed up to the list.
- If you have questions, or have other names and e-mail addresses you want to add to the alert list, send them to Please note that you cannot send a regular e-mail to the alert list e-mail address shown in step 1 above.
Look for our e-mail notices when we make changes to this web page or have news about the PST Program.