About the Air Pollutant Watch List
The Air Pollutant Watch List (APWL) is the TCEQ's program to address areas in Texas where monitoring data show persistent, elevated concentrations of air toxics. The TCEQ uses the APWL process to focus its resources, notify the public, engage stakeholders, and develop strategic actions to reduce emissions. Each year the TCEQ collects an extensive amount of ambient air monitoring data and evaluates the potential for adverse short- and long-term health effects and odors. The TCEQ uses air permitting, ambient air monitoring, and the APWL to ensure that ambient air toxic concentrations are at levels that are protective of public health and welfare.

The framework for the APWL program is outlined in the APWL Protocol, which describes the process that the TCEQ follows for all APWL issues, such as listing, remediating, and delisting APWL areas. Areas in Texas that show persistently elevated levels of air toxics may be considered for addition to the APWL following procedures outlined in the APWL Protocol. When reviewing current APWL areas, the TCEQ may propose removal from the APWL if ambient monitoring data shows a downward trend, information demonstrates that the improvement will be sustained, and the TCEQ determines that there is no longer a potential for adverse health effects. The TCEQ accepts public comments on all additions to and removals from the APWL.
You may recommend that specific pollutants and locations be evaluated for addition to or removal from the APWL by sending an email to the APWL Coordinator at APWL@tceq.texas.gov. Requests should include a description of the location, the pollutant of concern, any supporting information, and your contact information. The TCEQ carefully investigates every recommendation, and you may view past recommendations for addition to (or removal from) the APWL that were not adopted.
For assistance regarding environmental complaints, visit the TCEQ Complaints Reporting Web site.
For further information, contact TCEQ's APWL Coordinator toll-free at 1-877-992-8370 or local at (512)239-1795 or via email at APWL@tceq.texas.gov.
To receive free updates by email or text regarding the APWL, visit the TCEQ’s subscription page and check the box for “Air Pollutant Watch List” under the Air Quality heading.