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The Clean Rivers Program In Your Basin

The Clean Rivers Program Public page contains content relevant to the general public, such as links to information on how to become involved in your basin, contact information for CRP Partners in each basin, reports which assess water quality, and the history of the CRP.


Get Involved - Describes the different stakeholder involvement activities of the Clean Rivers Program.

Clean Rivers Program Partner Contact List - A list of regional water authorities that carry out the Clean Rivers Program in their respective basin(s).

Assessing Water Quality - Programs that monitor, assess and report on water quality, and are involved in watershed protection and restoration.

Clean Rivers Program History - An overview of how the program works, how the public participates, and why the program uses a watershed management approach

CRP Data Tool - A query tool for extracting surface water quality data from the TCEQ's Surface Water Quality Monitoring Information System. Also available is the CRP Map Tool. For a list of commonly used parameter codes, see Chapter 6 of the Data Management Reference Guide.