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Brazos River Basin: Recreational Use-Attainability Analyses

RUAAs planned, in progress, or completed for segments in the Brazos River Basin.

Title Description Image
Brazos River Basin Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis, Part 1 RUAAs for Upper Oyster Creek, Bullhead Bayou East, Bullhead Bayou West, and Unnamed Tributary of Bullhead Bayou within the Brazos River Basin.
Brazos River Basin Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis, Part 2 RUAAs for Allen’s Creek, Davidson Creek, Nolan Creek/South Nolan Creek, Leon River Below Proctor Lake, Resley Creek, South Leon River, Pecan Creek, Indian Creek, Plum Creek, Walnut Creek, Duncan Creek, Sweetwater Creek, Leon River Below Leon Reservoir, Armstrong Creek, Indian Creek, Sims Creek, Little Duffau Creek, Cottonwood Branch, Still Creek, Thompson Creek, Big Creek, Wasp Creek, Willis Creek, Mankins Branch, Upper North Bosque River, Goose Branch, North Fork Upper North Bosque River, Scarborough Creek, Unnamed Tributary of Goose Branch, Unnamed Tributary of Scarborough Creek, Woodhollow Branch within the Brazos River Basin.
Brazos River Basin Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis, Part 3 RUAAs for Brazos River Above Possum Kingdom Lake, Navasota River above Lake Mexia, and East Yegua Creek within the Brazos River Basin.
Brazos River Basin Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis, Part 4 RUAAs for Navasota River Below Lake Limestone, Country Club Branch, Wickson Creek, Cedar Creek, Duck Creek, Gibbons Creek, Shepherd Creek, and Steele Creek within the Brazos River Basin.
Brazos River Basin Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis, Part 5 RUAAs for Campbells Creek, Mud Creek, Pin Oak Creek, Spring Creek, and Walnut Creek within the Brazos River Basin
Brazos River Basin Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis, Part 6 RUAAs for Camp Creek, Middle Yegua Creek, Trimmier Creek, Rush-Copperas Creek, Alarm Creek, Little Green Creek, Pond Creek, Deer Creek, and Dry Branch within the Brazos River Basin.
Brazos River Basin Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis, Part 7 RUAAs for Double Mountain Fork Brazos River and Sabana River within the Brazos River Basin.
Brushy Creek Recreational Use-Attainability Analysis RUAA for Brushy Creek within the Brazos River Basin.